Friday, March 27, 2020

Help I Have Oopsily Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher

Help I Have Oopsily Vaporized My Pre-Algebra TeacherMy mother is having trouble explaining to me how I have accidentally vaporized my pre-algebra teacher. I need to know how to fix this situation so I can go back to that high school and not feel like an outcast and awkward kid.My pre-algebra teacher was a super-cool pre-algebra teacher. We had one of those 'can you be more like your teacher' type of talks. She told me that I had to be more concerned with how to succeed in school and that having the 'right attitude' would put me on the right track.Well, I could not think of anything that my teacher could tell me to do to help me with my mid-terms. So she had to spend the whole class going over my questions. This did not seem to help me at all.Then, at the end of the year, she gave me an A D. This was really bad. What could I do about it? I was too embarrassed to let her know how much she meant to me.The next week, she sent me a letter saying that I was supposed to go to the lunchroom and that she thought I needed to work harder. She also said that I had looked less competent than ever. She said that I should keep working hard, because if I didn't then she would kick me out.This got me thinking - how do I make sure that I get the perfect mix of encouragement and criticism when I am studying? I did not want to have to change my whole approach becausemy pre-algebra teacher had told me what to do. So, I need some advice for being more like my teacher and not change too much just because the teacher has different ideas of what works and what does not.If my teacher thinks that I am having trouble with the book, then I will do my best. If I am having a hard time in class, then I will remember what my teacher told me and what I need to do.

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